Chipotle Just Leaked The Trick To Getting Free Guac Every Single DayFood

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Chipotle Just Leaked The Trick To Getting Free Guac Every Single Day

By Rebecca Henderson  •  July 06, 2022  •  102

We've all been there: you're in line at Chipotle, and a staff gestures to the guacamole "I am aware that it is extra. I still want it, yes." Chipotle's practice of charging extra for guacamole has sparked memes, infuriated customers, and probably earned the restaurant a tidy sum of money for years.

There is a method to add guacamole as a topping for free, however, as Chipotle just revealed in a shot company shared on Instagram. Let out a joyful "YAAAASSSSS"! But there's a catch, of course. Only vegetables must be ordered. Yes, the vegans are still applauding.

Guacamole is not an extra when you order just vegetarian food, according to the description on the image posted by Chipotle. Regarding this Chipotle breach, the comments received a range of responses. "The point when non-grass eaters are discriminated against," one individual wrote. Added another "Chipotle without meat is garbage. I'm sorry, but the l.a. county prison serves food that tastes better "which is a terrible amount of aggression for some grilled peppers and onions.

There was a consistent pattern of vegetarian-shaming, and a lot of time was spent debating whether Sofritas and Veggies are the same thing—they're not, by the way. So, are we envious?

Others were just ecstatic. "Those men. You got me hungry with this commercial, so now I have to go out and purchase it even though I was just trying to conserve money today and eat at home. I adore you two. have ever since, "Instagram user posted something. I AM GETTING A BOWL OF GUACAMOLE HOLY S*** I AM LIVING, said one very happy Chipotle patron.

Even if you are not a vegetarian, a bowl of just vegetables from Chipotle is fantastic. As they say, don't knock it till you try it. I am as near to a carnivore as it comes, but chipotle vegetarian bowls are simply perfect, says at least one Chipotle patron.

Therefore, the next time you visit Chipotle, think about ordering just vegetables or only pay for the guacamole in your chicken bowl. There are several more tips you have to look into before your subsequent visit.

Just create a burrito bowl at home if you want to save money. There's never a charge for guac!